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File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (278.49 KB,1920x1080)


Remember "Creamy's Curated List of Imageboards"? It was a list of imageboards with a guy's short description and opinion of them. Do you think there's any value in trying to bring something like that back? Opinions are probably something to avoid, though.
If if were to be brought back, I think it'd need permission from admins, and maybe the users, for their site to get added to the list. I remember someone on /qa/ had been working on one back in 2017 or maybe later, but due to jerks using it as a source of sites to attack he closed it, which was a sad thing to see. For this reason getting permission is probably something to pursue.
You see a lot of people make the "where do I go for ___ because 4chan sucks at this" threads pop up on 4chan so much that I feel it's something that can be used to help populate the alternatives (including kissu of course). Granted, a lot of people complain for the sake of complaining and wouldn't use other boards even if you shove the list in their face.

As it stands, the main thing people post is ccd0's exhaustive (but very difficult to navigate) plaintext list or occasion images with very few select boards on them. As lovers of meta and imageboards I think we'd be in a good position to create and maintain something superior to both of those.
What do you think?


File:43833351_p0.jpg (157.84 KB,1000x1000)

>What do you think?


what about an imageboard that uses multiple video thumbnails instead of an image


Better to ask forgiveness than permission.
Curation requires opinions.


I dont know if there's a point anymore and if the people who post on less well known ones would even like it


I used to keep a markdown file with English imageboards and textboards for personal use, mainly based on ccd0's list and link sharing threads on other imageboards, annotated with topic tags and short descriptions. I never published it because of the same concerns you mentioned, but I might pass it around on smaller imageboards if 4chan is ever taken down without warning. Haven't updated it much for about a year, though.

If the aim is to help posters stuck on 4chan find better imageboards for their interests, ccd0 could add an item to the 4chan X top bar that shows sites from imageboards.json related to the board you're browsing. For example, when browsing 4/jp/, it would show /jp/ spinoffs. Contributors could submit board relation tags and descriptions, and sites could only be added to the top bar after their admins have vetted the description and agreed to be included.
The feature could be unobtrusive by default, like a [...] link tacked onto the end of the board list that expands on click, but it could temporarily be made more visible with an update during moments of crisis, when users are complaining about the state of the board and discussing where to migrate.


start by explaining the list of ~400 mostly dead sites in the dropdown on chiru.no


From a quick glance, it includes site like samachan that went down 3+ years ago, so he probably never updates that list.


no, they don't really matter.
But they might be a gateway for a website to be more of a central hub of imageboard exchange


that site has more on it than just the tunes??


How about a wiki? I remember someone tried to do that at socialwiki.top once, but the site died for whatever reason.

On opt-in versus opt-out: Opt-in would probably be too troublesome, but a way to quietly opt-out would probably be a good idea. If you go the wiki route, maybe there could be a third option where you can look up the board's page by name, but the page isn't listed in any indexes. (Maybe this could be the only opt-out, because there are sites that clone previously existing sites and try to rewrite history as if they're the original, and we wouldn't want to accommodate them by deleting their or the original site's article.)


the kong!!!!


Well, by "curated" I meant more that it's not going to be 80% dead links or political activism stuff.

That thing you mentioned seems cool, but I think waiting for 4chan to be completely destroyed won't give it much use any time soon. How would you even spread it to people at that point?

>If the aim is to help posters stuck on 4chan find better imageboards for their interests, ccd0 could add an item to the 4chan X top bar that...
Although that does sound cool, it doesn't really have the same kind of reach and is difficult to spread. How would you tell people to find it? "First go download 4chanx, then do this" when we're trying to convince people to not just sit in a 4chan thread and complain all day. It's also thrusting more work onto ccd0 and turns it into a singular thing for one person to manage.

What doesn't matter?

Wiki, huh. Yeah, that could be a cool thing, although it requires people to expend more effort to find stuff than a list.

As for opt-in versus opt-out. Well, I wouldn't want to be responsible for wiping out a board by putting it on a list when they weren't prepared for spam or anything. The idea is that this list's existence would be at worst neutral, and not actively harm anything.
(This is all theoretical talk anyway, I can't make websites)


You don't need to make a site, just host a list somewhere like ccd0 does. As long as you can link to it and update it, a plain text file is all you really need.

If it's just something to link to people trying to evacuate 4chan, I don't think you need to worry about spam. Unless you go full 8chan advertising campaign, it'll only be a trickle and any boards with broad enough topics to appeal to those people are going to welcome more users.

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