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File:[Doki] Elfen Lied - 01 (12….mp4 (21.67 MB,1280x720)


Since we've been going down memory lane these last few days, let's have a thread about OP/EDs. Basically, if you wanted to give someone an idea of what otaku media in general is like, which three intros or outros would you pick to show them?

¥Chiki Chiki Ban Ban
Koumei's show wasn't all that great, but the OP itself is a perfect example of blending old oriental stuff with funky modernity in a funny way, which is done alllllll the time.
¥Dango Dai/qa/zoku
Calm song about cute blobs which is depresso in context and serves as the ending to a highschool harem romcom. Fairly common things.
Visuals based on Gustav Klimt with somber Latin lyrics to preface gore (+boobers). It's super specific, but in some sense it feels like a very anime thing. Hard to explain.

It's not supposed to be exhaustive because you simply can't do that and I am missing far too much stuff, but these three are the ones that came to mind. Which would you add?


¥Death March : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMeC9fydMaI
¥Bishounen Tanteidan : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMAqzd9CgQM
¥Arakawa Under the Bridge : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7quGQi_JMjE
...Something else


I still need to rewatch the Death March OP at least once each time I see it because it's such an enigma how something so lame and lacking any intrigue whatsoever gets made. I have to imagine absolutely nobody in the production cared for it because even if there were an attempt to make the OP bad it'd be more stand-out than what this piece of trash is. The only redeeming quality is that it fits the anime perfectly with how godawful dogshit it is.


>Death March
holy hell, I LOVE MENUS


I don't think I quite understand the question. I would probably just point them to stuff everyone knows, like Eva OP, Haruhi ED, etc.


File:magic knight rayearth OP.mp4 (17.26 MB,960x720)

I'm really not someone that can do the artsy or reference talk.
I've mentioned it before a few times since I love it so much, but Magic Knight Rayearth's OP is what I would think of if someone told me to pick an anime OP as an example of the "genre".

It's got so many of the things that we know of now as cliches, in order:
1. Birds/creatures flying away from camera
2. Far shot of the leading characters
3. Amazingly animated flowing hair
4. Camera panning around the main characters with the bad guy in background
5. Title logo accompanying the music picking up
6. Characters flying in the sky
7. Silly "mascot" character
8. Secondary/villain character action shots as they replace each other in the foreground with the rapidly moving background. This is one of my favorites
9. Villain full roster shot, as if they were taking a photo with the big bad guy floating ominously out of focus
10. Main character facing away from 'camera' and then looking pensive
11. Brief glimpse of magical transformation scenes
12. Group combat pose
13. Main characters attacking in order
14. Close-up of main villain's face
15. Mecha with dust clouds, panning out to show the main characters for scale
16. Protagonist and villain clashing with swords, producing a flash of light
17. Mysterious girl praying

I might have missed a few, but I didn't want to describe literally everything


It's more about representing tropes and stuff rather than simply sharing good OP/EDs.

>>109418 posted Death March not because it's good but the opposite, it's garbage isekai and there's more than enough of that to warrant representation.
>>109441 used Rayearth to list tropes typical of OPs themselves (nice), while I'm now posting DxD because it's turbo ecchi and that kind of fanservice is very characteristic of otaku media.

Duvet for example is a classic, but you'd have to explain what you think of it you and how it fits into the wider picture. Don't pick Eva.

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