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File:u149 cuddling guide.png (475.3 KB,1641x1420)


What is your preferred cuddling method?


File:[Azure-Subs] The Idolmaste….jpg (187.11 KB,1280x720)


are you sure that's cuddling


File:Screenshot_2023-06-04 qa ….png (25.99 KB,278x258)

Pillow Lizard talk.


What else would it be?


File:iguana_iguana_henry_lizard….jpg (114.69 KB,488x694)

Gonna woo over Koharu with my pictures of lizards


i dunno chie in particular looks rather suspicious


Oh no that guy looks like he died...
Truly deadly cuddling


She just found a nice pillow to rest with on her very tired (from work) cuddlebuddy.


File:C-1686012473649.png (27.61 KB,317x329)

i would die for this


File:1671248585104151.png (138.51 KB,800x801)

any of them!


holy flip
sucked the soul right out he spermer


File:sre.jpg (52.47 KB,399x512)

reading with koharu


File:u149 cuddling method.png (3.38 KB,300x300)

I use the /qa/ method on all of them


Haru's feet in my mouth.


wow. a good post in this shit threqd.




File:1684908777210182.png (364.88 KB,1293x1813)


How are you supposed to escape this situation without making her cry?




File:kong.png (71.44 KB,1000x1000)


Sachiko is looking a bit more pink than usual.


Me on bottom right


me on the bottom left

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