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File:987089f2280cab8f3beda2feaa….png (2.82 MB,2907x1812)


Do you play PC games with keyboard + mouse or controller?
I got a PS4 controller recently and used it to play some PC games. While the controller has analog control and allows me to play games comfortably in the bed, aiming with thumbstick is unacceptable for me, and I feel less in control overall because often one button is bound to too many different actions and it's more difficult to hold multiple buttons at once which is easy on keyboard. The control layout is also limited to pre-defined settings compared to the complete freedom of keyboard key bindings.


I like how it feels to press ta controller's trigger buttons and it's easier to setup for split screen gaming. I think it depends on the game and if you'll be playing with friends locally or over the internet.


Depends on the type of game really. Anything first person, top-down, or strategic is just better with a mouse and keyboard. But for action games like Dark Souls or DmC the opposite is the case. It's just so much easier to press a bunch of buttons at once in quick succession on a controller since there's so many less and usually it requires you holding another button or something or moving in a certain direction while doing it too. ESPECIALLY fighting games.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (340.38 KB,1920x1080)

I definitely prefer controller whenever possible. You just can't beat the comfort.
But, I have no problem using mouse and keyboard and for many things it's a hard requirement, like roguelikes or stuff like Terraria. You can try to play those with controller, and they even have console versions, but it doesn't feel right to me. Plus if there's anything multiplier then I want to be able to communicate (and hate mics) so keyboard shines there .
But, pic related happens to me if I spend a few days in a row playing a keyboard game. My fingers and wrist really don't like it since it's a position I don't normally have them in when typing


File:D_NQ_NP_2X_910287-MLA4627….webp (24.1 KB,511x346)

If the game was fundamentally designed for controllers, then a controller it is. Otherwise, KBM.
Haven't had any problems with my wrists ever since I got pic. I seriously believe everyone should have a set of these.


File:[SubsPlease] Megami no Caf….jpg (277.52 KB,1920x1080)

A set of what? I have no idea what that is


Oh, they are wrist pads/pillows/rests. A thingy that's softer than a table.


Why don't you rest your hands on my thingy that's harder than a table.


I've come to realize that controller may not be as precise, but it's so much better on the hands. So I like to use it whenever I feel I can. Wonder if there's ways to prevent hand/wrist aches on kb+m


I've never been able to get used to keyboard + mouse controls; it's always felt like a clunky and imprecise way to control a character to me, in the same way something like a touch screen or motion controls do. I'm fine with mouse-and-keyboard games where you're not controlling a character, or you're doing so indirectly/in a limited capacity, but as soon as I'm in full control, all bets are off.

I suspect it's because I didn't grow up with many games that used that kind of control scheme, so I never really acclimated to it the way I did moving around with a controller or the keyboard.


>it's always felt like a clunky and imprecise way to control a character to me
Have you ever played an FPS? Because it's the exact opposite in that case where controller feels much more imprecise. Unless that's one of the extra cases you were mentioning.


you press the trigger button to shoot


press the trigger button for massive damage until it dies


>Have you ever played an FPS?
Yes, and I suck at them.

I'm not saying mouse and keyboard is an inherently bad control scheme or anything. There's lots of games, for instance, FPSes, where it's the most sensible choice. It's just not something that's ever clicked with me personally.

>Unless that's one of the extra cases you were mentioning.
I meant games that aren't focused on moving a player character around; things like tycoon games, where you're controlling the world moreso than any specific character, or adventure games, where control over your character doesn't serve much gameplay function.

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