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What do you think about AI games, where not only scripts and characters will be AI generated, but also the game route, game mechanics, and random events?
With various advances in AI, it's becoming inevitable that such AI games will appear. And I think they have the potential to be the ultimate "write your own adventure" games.

You can write a description about what you want the game to be like and AI will generate fitting story, characters, and mechanics for it. Games can be unpredictable since every action you make in the game can lead you to a completely different route afterwards.
Imagine you can freely chat with shop owners for pretty much anything, and even develop good relationships so that you can get a discount in price in the shop, or getting some interesting random events that the game developers have never thought of like the shop owner joining your squad...
Every player and every replay will have a completely different experience which means infinite replaybility. Players can even share seeds for good plays for others to enjoy.


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In theory it sounds amazing, but in practice I see a dark future ahead where it quickly becomes impossible to find good games. There's already too much garbage flooding every marketplace if you're looking for one to play. Even the Switch store is full of absolute bottom of the barrel drek like Hentai Puzzle Elves and whatever.
If you're on the other side? Today it's purely luck if your game out of the 50 released in any given day will get any attention. Now imagine competing against 2000 AI games churned out every day by creatively bankrupt grifters without a passionate cell in their body.
People with the motivation to create things are already doing it, so I don't see this as a boon. Shovelware will blot out the sun.


that's why we have AI driven recomendation systems!


The writing would be worse than a human so it would not be great for story telling and character creating. Plus this >>105335

However, yes it could create open ended games that could not be made otherwise so it could create that niche. But even that probably would not be as great as it sounds.
That Shopkeeper would have inconsistent and poorly written dialogue and he would react in bizarre and game breaking ways to things. It's the kind of thing that would work in a city builder or something like that where you don't really care about these things and you want a bizarre and living and breathing world.


Not really related to the OP topic, but it would be amazing if the rougelike genre was expanded to also include proceduraly generated quests, story and even game mechanics.


Are you sure you're not conflating games with AI generating contents, and games created with AI generated contents?
There will be no demands for the latter type once a former type that does everything they can plus much more is released and outcompete every single one of them.


How do I use AI to kill Jashin-chan?


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When it comes to the CYOA potential of AI I have some sincere concerns with its current capacity for generation along the lines of a consistent story and how much input you need to keep things on track. From what I've seen the "token limit" that exists right now extremely limits the background lore you can add for your AI to adhere to, like I was trying to add some MGE lore to make a CYOA for myself in novelAI but with the 4k limit I was able to only fit like 6 entries within it while really cutting down on context and detail. Not good, but it seems like the potential is rising as better models are developed. However another issue with those remains as the GPU power you need for them is immensely high.

Then from experience despite using tokens and trying to make a contained story, the AI still has some hangups. Where it heavily relies on user input to create and follow a structured story. I see this as an issue where the AI lacks some kind of focus and the marvel in it right now is still in the fact that it can do this to any extent at all.

And even if you are able to get something from one of the mainline sources that fits both criteria and generates within a reasonable time, you're most likely using a creatively neutered model that will never give something truly satisfying with all the corporate censorship in place. Until /g/ or some other place collectively gather together their autism to upgrade that facebook leak model to perfection there's probably not much of an avenue for AI CYOA games.


Honestly, AI has been going at such a breakneck speed that I can't even tell how it'll look a month from now.
I genuinely can't tell how far it can go right now, and I'm pretty tech savvy and can usually almost immediately tell what the true potential is behind most technologies.
In the case of games, I THINK it won't be able to generate good FPS games, since the movement of the player is the most important but also most vague thing in shooty games. At least, that's my presumption. Before SD came around I was sure that AI wouldn't be capable of producing art, and that ended up being the FIRST thing that AI did convincingly well.
That being said, RPG games? It's already possible, you just need to jerryrig stable diffusion and some text generator together with a healthy amount of tuning. The writing won't be mindblowing in the first renditions (...probably), but that gap in quality can be bridged simply because you can generate the game to match your taste, including whatever heroines you want in them while still being able to leave it up to the AI to generate them with enough randomness so that it doesn't feel like your own creation.

Personally I'm looking forward to an AI visual novel generator. People have already been using text AI for smut, going that one extra mile and getting AI to generate the CG and maybe sprites if necessary, that'll be crazy


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>and I'm pretty tech savvy and can usually almost immediately tell what the true potential is behind most technologies.


AI smut is very far away with none of the big tech AIs wanting to be associated with it


There are already Ai written VNs on F95 zone. I don't know what they are like, they are not the type of thing I would read anyway.


I think AI team mates would be interesting, you could play multiplayer type games but with bots you can tell what to do. I think it would be really good for games like Space Engineers, Escape from Tarkov and Squad.


I wonder what the sort of people who swear out their teammates for screwing up will think of that. The AI will make stupid mistakes like an NPC in an escort mission. But you can't chastise an AI, it doesn't have feelings.


I couldn't explain why but I feel I'd feel more guilt cussing out an AI than I would a human. There's some weird innocence to AI, though I guess it's mostly because AI chatbots actively avoid being hostile while fleshbots are a lot more prone to getting angry?


What I'm more interested in is humans using AI tools to express themselves. Video games are probably the strongest contender for this, because there's already precedent for it with procedural generation.

I'd love to see something like Sburb form Homestuck (sans the reality altering part, obviously), where the broad strokes rules of how the game works are set in place manually by a real person, but the specifics are all unique to you the player, with the way you interact with the world having a real impact.

I suspect the current wave of AI is going to do what every other AI wave since time immemorial did, which is to say, dry up overnight. You can only go so far with "the same thing but more powerful", especially since "more powerful" has diminishing returns


We'll see plenty of games use AI for character dialogue and limited character actions long before we ever see games made mostly by AI.
I doubt AI will ever be able to generate an entire game by itself, they would have to solve AI coding completely before that's possible and imo AI coding is currently shite and its future overhyped.


Remember the DOTA 2 AI? After some huge initial success on a limited game version, they ended up retiring it still not being able to play on live. And now 4 years later there's been essentially no progress in MOBA AIs since then. So yeah, "dry up overnight" is pretty much in line of expectation.


This was an interesting video on that topic. Granted, the characters are basically just ChatGPT with a character prompt, but it's still interesting as a first look. I don't think ChatGPT is really suitable though. As far as the "Chat" part goes, it's pretty terrible for chatting with how much is censored. Wouldn't surprise me if the sort of stuff dialogue in even a typical video game would be unreproducable because it'd trigger some filter.


I *love* corporations using revolutionary new software to produce absolute dogshit!


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I've said this before, but I think the only type of game that I can really see full prompted AI working are roguelikes or sandboxes. Anything narrative-driven really needs a writer and maybe in those cases AI can be used for the voice acting but nothing more.


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>This video is a paid promotion for Inworld
All these AI videos with a billion views in a few days weird me out. People generally know not to get excited over the latest Unreal Engine tech demos because the tech never appears in anything in its true form since games need to be playable on a variety of low spec PCs and consoles. But, put AI In the title and people lose all skepticism. People seem to think "live" language models are going to be creating on-the-fly dialog, voices and visuals on a console GPU from 5 years ago or that there's gigantic GPU farms out there ready to accept millions of prompts per second in an online game.

Activision-Blizzard already filed a patent for something involving AI art. It seems like they're trying to patent some img2img thing if anything here is familiar with that part of stable diffusion. It's a process where they take existing images and apply a filter to them to create "new" textures, like an advanced photoshop filter which we can already do ourselves. I don't think anyone expects quality from them these days so it's true to form and exactly the kind of future we're expecting with AI being used to shovel out boring assets. Blizzard's president said some meaningless corporate speak that doesn't clarify anything: https://twitter.com/Qwik/status/1654542974276206609
Generic and uninspired games are just going to get worse and it will make the good and creative games stand out more. The problem, of course, is that many people are perfectly happy playing buying Call of Duty 65 and Madden '23 (with updated player names!) so they won't care about this stuff. It will lead to smaller teams of artists and developers which will lead to greater profits and that's what it's all about at the end of the day.


>It will lead to smaller teams of artists and developers
Maybe once all the talented people are ousted in favor of AI you'll see more game studios crop up from the ex-employees. That's the best case scenario I can imagine from this since there's so much talent wasted at these corporations.


Wouldn't they prefer to oust the untalented people first


it's something like, talent grows in the heart of the machine... so when you replace the thing that's supposed to grow with an AI then you're saying that the people who could have been talented are now in the open uncontrolled by the mega-corpo. The only advantage the mega-corpo has is that it can spit out a ton of work created by legacy designers, while the indie scene grows with people who integrate AI into their design process but don't let it become them


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You know what game would benefit a hell of a lot from from a sequel using AI? Slave Maker.


AI for voice acting would be a good idea. The studio can generate the voices and tweak it until is sounds good and package it with the game. Then we can have lots of text—morrowind for example—and keep costs low for decent quality. Problem is now that the file size balloons in audio files because games companies cant into optimization and we get 500 GB games.
Generating dialogue wholesale would be a disaster as now the AI can talk about unrelated stuff in its training, and spoil the plot because what little they had written was overfitted in the finetune.


you can more or less already do that with Voicevox. With a few decent text-to-speech voices you could probably apply filters to get enough variety.

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