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What is kissu's opinion on Genshin Impact? Don't think I've ever seen it mentioned here before.


I like it but I have not played it for a while, I finished the story up to the point it was at and then decided to take a break and wait for more content.


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I haven't and won't play it. Gacha stuff is repugnant to me and I refuse to acknowledge it as anything other than a curse upon humanity


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I only know of its existence through art and stuff. I've tried a few gacha mobage like Arknights, and Azur Lane and really didn't understand the appeal. Genshin, I guess is a bit different because it's supposedly a Zelda BotW clone with gacha elements, but I dunno. Somehow that makes it worse, I think.

Well, the girls are cute, but I have no interest in playing it. It just sort of exists I guess. It's not for me.


You finished Sumeru?

I don't like gacha either but I really like the exploration aspect. There's so much variety in the types of areas you can explore and the world is huge and only getting bigger.


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played it for a week on release, wasn't much to it after that


No, Liyue(plus the mountain). It's getting to the point where I should start again, hopefully I will soon.

I actually like the Gatcha system even though I never spend money on it. I like how there are large rosters of characters that have different attributes and how you don't really get to choose what you get so you have to put thought into your builds and the characters you use and do things that you would not otherwise have done if you could choose form any character, finally getting a good character of an element or some such that you lack can then be really cool and provide you with a new and useful capability.


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>you don't really get to choose what you get
If you play Utawarerumono and choose characters based on them having the lowest level it's like that.
>finally getting a good character of an element or some such that you lack can then be really cool and provide you with a new and useful capability.
When you get certain characters in Utawarerumono it's a little bit like that!


Absolutely adorable lolis that I love looking at fanart of.
Have never actually played the game, never will.


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I played it for almost a year, but I got bored. Also I'm incredible unlucky when it comes to genshin's gacha and I refuse to spend money on it.


Well it's got an anime coming out at some point, so that'll be an alternative way to get a gist of what it's about. Of course, given how mobile game adaptations tend to go, there's a good chance it will be total garbage, but still something to keep an eye on.


I remember how disappointed everyone was over azur lane


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Genshin has an absurd amount of revenue, pic is just for mobile, and Uma Musume is one of the biggest mobage out there. They've got the money to make it on par with Priconne.


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Why do people pay so much for Hu Tao...


Uma Musume will surpass it once the breeding update is added


Not under the Yakuza watch...


the futa update


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Because Yelan


They somehow got Ufotable to animate it, so its going to be pretty atleast.


i don't know why but i avoided, not because i didn't like it but that i wanted to be ignorant about it for no reason, not only genshin but also other games, media and anime, i just avoid some titles because i want to


Because its old and busted. Its Blue Archive era now


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I think Genshin is still absurdly popular, but when it comes to pixiv trends it's possible that Blue Archive has become the new hot commodity. I really have no idea how you'd figure that out apart from a hunch, though.
I think the Genshin company has new game(s), too, so it will be competing with itself? I don't know the math behind that, since gacha monetization is different from other games.


You could probably check based on the amount of art uploaded to a booru within the last month and see whichever has more art made of it.


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I really like it, interesting story and characters, easy to finish story for free, also easy to get characters you want for free if you don't fall for the weapon/constellation traps, never felt forced to spend anything as opposed to other gatchas

cute and great thighs


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The girls are cute. i like collecting art of them. If it ever comes out on Switch I might try the game.


I used to play it alot, but then i got bored of it, i would say its a alright game, the best part of the game is the cute lolis.

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