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File:9716de8a17a3e8902b5f874cba….jpg (220.06 KB,459x620)


Sometimes I notice bad writing habits in my post and then just delete it in shame and cringe in embarrassment for half an hour even though nobody probably saw or noticed.


Can relate to that... and sometimes I'm too slow to delete the post and someone has already replied to it, then all that'd be left is a post with green text quote left in the wake of my post deletion...


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Being bad with words and a non-native speaker at the same time is hard, and my posts look like they were written by a 12 year old because of that.


Thanks for not deleting your posts in those circumstances.


You shouldn't do that. Deleting posts because they have writing mistakes is horrible for your self confidence. Make the post and move on.


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But if I don't do that the cool kissuers might laugh at me on their secret IRC dedicated to mocking badly written posts.


I usually leave them there anyway, I don't think most people care that much. But there's always this thing in the back of my head worrying about somebody recognizing me out of idiosyncratic writing, or tracing out my posting history, or whatever. Not that I'm interesting enough to motivate anyone to do that, but the thought is always there.

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