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File:ce7a4a24e874d59ae9ff615ed5….jpg (609.2 KB,1280x1024)


Assuming that hell exists and god holds final judgement on all humans, how would one play it safest throughout their life to not be sent to hell? Assuming that you have no idea which sect is right, so God could be as the Islam bible describes him, the Hebrew bible, or as any of the Christian variations describe him? Is there any way one could accomplish this or are they just fucked?


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Dying as soon as possible is generally the safest bet. If you could die right after being born it's ideal. Since none of us managed that, you'd have to do whatever purification rituals are available and then die a martyr ASAP.
You'd think people would assume an omniscient existence would see through this chicanery to bypass the infallible rules, but there's thousandss of years of religious scholars debating this stuff to try and figure out the least amount of holiness needed to get rewarded.


It probably would not be hard, the god itself is the same just different prophets are venerated.


But doesn't each God require that you worship their prophets (or offspring) and none other?


>Assuming that you have no idea which sect is right, so God could be as the Islam bible describes him, the Hebrew bible, or as any of the Christian variations describe him?
a competent god would be aware of this point so you should be alright as long as you do what you think is right


Heaven is a bore, and Hell wouldn't exactly be nice. I think the best way in, such as that described in Dante's inferno, is to live agnostically and virtuously so that you make it to purgatory.


No, it's the same God. There is that thing, 'you shall worship no false Idols and nobody but me' or whatever, but that is the same god and it's from the Old testament which they all follow.


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Some people tend to view purgatory as a land of neutrality where you just exist, but it's more accurately regarded as lesser hell meant to purify you through an indeterminate time of suffering. [Insert joke about Catholics popularizing another realm of human suffering here]
Strangely, one of those things a Japanese series got right while so many Western ones got wrong.


I think the Western view is largely inherited from the Greek view on the afterlife, particularly that of purgatory reflecting that of the, "Asphodel Meadows," wherein inhabitants of little note simply ambled about in a senseless existence through fields of asphodel. Of course, this similarity says nothing about the moral values of the past and the future, especially when one considers the story of Achilles whom the Greeks framed as a hero, whereas contemporary Western literature is much more sympathetic towards Hector while focusing on Achilles's rage.


God may be competent, but he's still the same God that instakills you if you try to catch his falling box.

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