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literally all japanese names that start with j are male...


Narberal Gamma
Always find it hard to name anime characters. Usually don't remember the names when watching the anime. I see their faces in my head when their names are mentioned but I don't keep a record of their names in memory.


jesus christ


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A pretty common female anime character name starting with J would be Jeanne. There's also pic related.


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My name is 'The Cutest' so I'll go with Takane




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Doremi (♂)




But what about the anime character?


nsfw image. can't post. does not compute.


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What about Junko or Jun?


I don't think Junko is that common, and Jun is a guy's name. If you're pointing out they exist then yes, there are other names starting with "J" than the two I posted.


File:kamigamo-jun.jpg (542.82 KB,1280x2381)

Jun can also be a girl's name.
From Wikipedia:
"Jun (じゅん, ジュン) is a Japanese given name used by either gender. "
For example, Kamigamo Jun from Natsu no Arashi (pic). To be fair, her thing in the show is that she is mistaken for a boy.

I don't think Junko is that common either.
Enoshima Junko from Danganronpa and Junko from Touhou come to mind, though.


File:Nyx_Part4.webp (82.55 KB,1483x1004)

Quite appropriate for this thread, too.

What are you talking about, those are both common names.


>"Jun (じゅん, ジュン) is a Japanese given name used by either gender. "
I see.
And I just realized there is no rule in this thread stating the character must be female, I don't know why I thought it was female character names only....


Probably because of >>80906


Oh yeah.

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