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File:c0108633f346da15654f107ae8….png (2.21 MB,1400x1000)


Someone mentioned recently having a bad dream about an "/ac/ - academia" board being created and it got me wondering. Would such a board really be that awful a concept among philosophical NEETs with too much free time on their hands?


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But what would be posted there that isn't already pos-table anywhere else?


Um. That part wasn't really a bad part, that was just an incidental detail. After thinking about the context of my dream, however, I'm conflicted between whether it would be like science and math stuff, or history and thus political shitposting. Given everything that happened in my dream, I'm leaning towards political shitposting.

As for reality, I'm not really sure what purpose it would have outside of the occasional post about higher mathematics that I, and I would assume many others, am confused by and so don't engage with. And so I'm at a loss for why it wouldn't be the case that everything on it couldn't just be posted on /qa/, or even the seasonal boards.


>I'm conflicted between whether it would be like science and math stuff, or history and thus political shitposting.

Oh, well I'd say it depends on what imageboard it's made on. On 4chan or the 8gag-related stuff then that's definitely a safe bet.
Hmm... I don't know if I'd have anything to say on such a board. Stuff related to animals is cool, I guess?


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>I'm not really sure what purpose it would have outside of the occasional post about higher mathematics

it would provide me a better venue to bully NERDS


you're all really hell bent on making that dream come true aren't you


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sounds like a beautiful dream.


I sure hope not.

It was an incredibly bad dream. (>>79859)


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how about you make me, dork? cant, huh? dont want any of this huh? huh? yeah, thats what i thought


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Who's bullying who now?


It'd get really pseudo really quickly and that would be incredibly gay.


How gay are we talking?


/qgay/ gay


>>80088 (checked)
Gay enough that it would be room of homosexuals flaunting bullshit


Imagine, /ac/ tends towards philosophy/psychology more than science/math. That's how gay we're talking.


That's not nearly gay enough. We should be able to do better.


As gay as the /qa/ meetup then.


Both fields are incredibly greek and homosexual by the way.
Also vern you fuck how is this considered a flood


Have we really not become any gayer in 4 years?


>how is this considered a flood
Happens when posters try to post at the same time. Only one post gets through and the user that came second has to fill a captcha. It's to prevent automated bot spam.


Vern I'm not going to lie I'm incredibly high.
On the topic though, we should have an /ac/ board to see how homosexual it could get, as an experiment if you will.


I think given the /qa/ community it could be a mix of both, which I wouldn't really be against if I'm perfectly honest. Although you do make a point that /qa/ already kinda works for that purpose and it'd be a bit redundant to have a board just to take potential threads away from this board that don't really affect it at all. I've always thought about /sci/ done right, but I don't think that with kissu's current small userbase that'd really be possible. Possibly in the far future if this site ever blows up.


Was reading Dune, and it says of the Spacing Guild that it, "emphasizes almost pure mathematics." Wonder how many /qa/ friends would cast aside their mortal form to become a writhing mass of mutated flesh in order to bend space and time.


There doesn't seem to be a lot of science and/or math imageboards outside of stuff related to programming and computers.
I'm running a little imageboard on my home PC, and I've got a /math/ board there. Would it be okay to link it?


link it


It's at

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