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File:FpCUON6aEAIASRy.jpg (153.71 KB,1000x1000)


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This season kinda sucked was pretty underwhelming, but at least for me that makes it pretty easy to make my choice.

Also had to trim a few of the "potential choices" because the max poll size is 34


Highly biased but correct OP pic.


File:Fmyd6c3aUAELfPK.jpg (391 KB,1400x1982)

I'm never not biased.


File:shrug.jpg (128.76 KB,883x1317)

God that makes me realize how little I actually watched.
Still Onimai though


I present to you an argument for Onimai


File:[SubsPlease] Revenger - 11….jpg (296.08 KB,1920x1080)

My personal opinion is between Revenger or Saitou-san, probably Revenger, but I have to recognize that people really liked Onimai so I have to say that it was the /qa/ anime.


My AotS was Revenger and I didn't even watch most of Onimai, but I still voted for the latter with how popular it was.


i shouldn't have expected anything more than a wasted vote


pasted vote


genuinely a waste of talent for people to be in the anime industry when their artwork is put in contest with lolicon fanservice anime and doesn't stand a chance.
At least western cartoons and Netflix specials have things actually made for adults that get appreciated for being a deconstruction of Western culture. Japan you have to embrace the trends rigidly or you get rejected. Dumb insulat society.


>Japan you have to embrace the trends rigidly or you get rejected
This is patently false. Not only is loli not 'the trend' right now, but in fact it's been going for a while without any proper fanservice in anime as studios try to be more mass appeal friendly. In fact, one could say Onimai was bucking the trends and trying something without guaranteed success in the modern age and it worked out greatly for them, in Japan. Because for all the attention it got on imageboards and in Japan, it completely flopped in the west.


Op just wanted one last argument over onimai


File:109228655_p0.jpg (1.09 MB,2048x2048)


It flopped because they make Kaede a disgusting titty monster


Shut your mouf!


I don't know whether it flopped, but if it did it's because the premise was far more interesting than the actual show.


I said it flopped in the west. Seemed to do pretty well in Japan.


wanna flop my chinchin between her fatboobers


I enjoyed buddy daddies because I like when children are written as children.
Too bad about its production problems.

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