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File:93f47abdc05400dfbf08918cce….jpg (2.07 MB,2776x1495)



M for Miku


File:Fy6K58naEAIpC81.jpg (217.35 KB,1402x1356)

This is unfair, smug Miku is too powerful.


File:__laura_la_mer_and_elda_pr….jpg (499.87 KB,1000x800)

Miku seems to be the happiest at L and above. Hmm....
Well, she's a hologram-type existence so I think it's fine if she's fat and smug. I don't think the extra photons are harmful


File:320ebc08362e18af058ea720dc….jpg (632.67 KB,1000x1200)

S, Miku is a flat, inferior being compared to Gumi


Kissu is petit country


you can tell this artist has a fat bias because he didn't make a truflat version


You S and M voters lack empathy. Look at how disinterested and annoyed Miku looks at S. She looks a bit happier at M, but it's not until L that she gets the big smile. At LL she's basically intoxicated on her own fatness and at XL she radiates the smug satisfaction of someone on a higher level of existence.


LL's the best at blowies because she's both fat and the least popular


XL reminds me of sanae


File:1497156186009.png (61.44 KB,1200x1500)

Ohhh, I can see it


The OJer


The JOer

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