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/poll/ - Polling and Honesty

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File:20230618_030907.jpg (3.03 MB,3480x3984)


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wich Kessoku wud u fug?


File:adul 2.jpg (1.45 MB,1800x2500)

It's not fair, the Boccher should be an awkward, lanky thing!


File:1687085453817.jpg (750.94 KB,1385x2045)

All in a day's work.


too thin


File:Ft6wCd6aMAAxXms.jpg (280.07 KB,1000x1475)

kita is literally perfection


kita has breasts


yesterday it was 0044 and now you come telling kita suddenly got 4 of her own nah ive got my eyes on you kitafag


File:872ca68e6cbe4a9d9dcb4468c4….png (89.98 KB,714x760)

actually surprisingly flat..



maybe boys would like you more if you smiled once in a while....


voted for bocchi because biggest boobs


Had Kita all to myself this morning and now I'm in a gangbang...


working as expected


File:Bocchi The Hug.jpg (326.37 KB,2037x2048)


sie's not letting go


File:Screenshot 2023-06-18 2140….png (101.66 KB,356x324)


Ryo is at zero because there are no girls to love a nice boy here.


kita is cheating. her outfit is way too eroi.


the other girls could have put in the effort if they wanted to


I'm sad Ryou isn't getting any votes. The poll is rigged.


File:9a431e4c8071fafc4d90455d14….png (2.53 MB,2150x3035)

¥check poll results after reading this
¥ryou still at 0


Just proof that it's rigged! I dare everyone to vote Ryou and see for themselves.


changing my vote to this fat shab


sent a vote for ryou


f-for me?


for rher

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