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File:[SubsPlease] Tensei Kizoku….png (6.27 MB,1920x3240)


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The most important decision in /qa/ history is upon us! Choose wisely.


Never enough posts...
The answer is Silk, she is the one who needs correction the most out of all the girls.


wakaranai lol


File:[SubsPlease] Tensei Kizoku….jpg (275.09 KB,1920x1080)

If you don't know then you should definitely vote for Silk.


ended up voting for the catgirl because she has the best pic


There really isn't enough information to go on here, but the catgirl seems really nice. But, the green-haired somewhat mature-looking schoolgirl seems the most interesting to me at first glance


File:[SubsPlease] Tensei Kizoku….jpg (255.28 KB,1920x1080)

Actually that's Tifana. She's the captain of the King's Guard and 3rd girl formally engaged to Caim.


File:[SubsPlease] Tensei Kizoku….jpg (331.21 KB,1920x1080)

Proper picture for Reine nee-sama


File:C-1686531693213.png (2.14 MB,1920x1080)

can't believe best girl is NOT an option

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