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File:FIEtq6VaAAASLoq.jpg (107.07 KB,1357x2048)


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Do you want the glasses on or off?


File:[Chihiro] Watashi no Yuri ….jpg (221.67 KB,1920x1080)

There's no point if they're off


File:R-1682811029576.gif (33.17 KB,315x378)

Senpai isn't Senpai without her glasses


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (256.1 KB,1920x1080)

I can think of something else that needs to be removed around that general area



File:Ex-bDGIU8AAXp-g.jpg (384.98 KB,1292x1904)

¥Off, please: 1
Too bad.


Don't care. I just want the cigarette put out.




File:97787ae2c915de9a8291ac2733….jpg (78.73 KB,622x921)

kissu wouldn't get it


File:8932037.png (320.92 KB,1024x1024)

she can keep both the glasses and the cigarette on if you ask me.


cancer, that is


File:1493071975472.png (27.87 KB,170x170)



File:C-1683977861950.png (3.34 MB,2480x3508)

Glasses are so nice.
Don't much care about cigarettes though.


I like girls who smoke, but only 2D.


I like girls, but only 2D.


I have to admit that has been happening a lot for the last 7 years of my life.


File:1605095520570.jpg (197.82 KB,850x1201)

I like 2D, but only girls.




I like 2D, but not adults.


I like turtles


I like tummies regardless of what's down there.

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