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File:R-1681091077684.webp (103.24 KB,600x854)


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How do you want your OJ?


File:1370137759356.jpg (117.93 KB,753x753)

Can people really enjoy anything other than some pulp?


I want ALL of the pulp, give me back my orange.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (269.8 KB,1920x1080)

can't drink OJ because of reflux, but when I could I liked 'some pulp' as long as it was fine enough and not chewy. It's a drink so it should be smooth-ish


Do you take any meds for reflux? Have been having issues with it myself and heard from family recently that there's prescriptions you can get for it that next to completely mitigate it.


Yeah, you take stuff like prisolec, but I'm trying to come off it since it can have some negative side effects on the kidneys vitamin absorption and stuff like that. Well, not come off it, but reduce it. There was a worry I was going to get throat cancer from reflux if I didn't go on this stuff daily




File:15795738_p6.jpg (216.54 KB,400x400)

I choose the one that lets me defeat hyper RoPoChi and unlock Mio.


When I was a kid I spit out OJ all over the floor of a diner because it had pulp in it.


A family member of mine was on this for a while, but the side effects and needing to be on a medication was concerning them. Nowadays they just have to avoid certain foods and drink water with benefiber added in and that seems to help them.


Due to acid reflux issues I quit drinking the juice.
However, if I take real oranges and juice them then I can handle it well enough; must be the preservatives in or something in storebought stuff.
My juice is always pulpy now.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (274.27 KB,1920x1080)

Huh, benefiber helps? That's interesting. I guess the free-standing (or however you would say it) fibers could soak up the acid? Is that it works?


sorry for breaking your sphincter

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