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File:instant-pot-brown-basmati-….jpg (101.16 KB,1662x1200)



I need more information before I can make an informed decision


it is brown


Hmm, on closer inspection of the filename and background of the image it's 'instant pot brown rice' which means it might have had its annoying rubber exterior nullified by modern cooking methods, so I guess I'll eat it


Brown rice is my favourite kind of rice for having as a side, as it actually has some flavour rather than just being bland white mush.


true, but with curry or any type of sauce the flavor doesn't complement


I don't really like the flavor of brown rice and I've only really had an enjoyable time with it if it's overpowered by something else. Actually, I have a lot to say about this so I'll use the cooking thread


I voted no because I'm not a big fan of rice.


File:103430724_p0.jpg (1.63 MB,1433x2024)

The only brown carbs I like is brown bread.


I love Sara Lee whole wheat bread. I love whole wheat spaghetti. I love Frosted Mini Wheats. Carbs make me feel good in the mouth and fiber makes me feel good in my other mouth.


File:f5a4ca0a406d4279c94e8bf9f9….png (1.49 MB,2047x1447)

brown cat, white rice


what's this carbs thing everyone keeps talking about


i know, i'm much more excited about protein


I think brown rice is supposed to be higher in heavy metal contamination than white rice. both bio-accumulate arsenic from the soil IIRC.

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