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File:276e3671840f77371cf7e2b5b6….png (3.85 MB,1631x2039)


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Though I would love to do an option ranked poll where you give each a ranking, for this data-mining operation, which do you see as most valuable in your own philosophical understanding of life?


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This isn't much of a question


it would be better with rankings


Probably, I doubt the kind of people that browse kissu would really vary on which is the most important. But, in terms of 2nd most I guess I'd probably say political science as it can help to shape a better society and also secure a better foundation for the research of natural sciences


My thought was that people who like #3 would be more common because I tried to word it in such a way that tied it to entertainment


Oh, when I think of "Social Science" what comes to mind is more psychology/sociology. Never heard it used for media


I think it makes sense to split "social sciences" and "humanities", the latter encompassing, among other things, literature, arts, etc.


Lots of psychologists and sociologists are employed in entertainment in order to determine what sorts of entertainment will be consumed in mass, and therefore a useful allocation of capital.

It's not so much about the art forms which are more a personal expression of art, but rather how they impact society and capital


I take issue with the definitions used. All three definitions imply an application of knowledge for human betterment. I fundamentally disagree with this. Science is a process for learning or acquiring knowledge, what is done with that knowledge is outside the scope of science, unless it is to further inform the scientific process.
Also the last two are essentially derivative forms of Natural Sciences, mainly the study of systems. Social Science being the study of human systems and Political Science being the study of human political systems.


It would be much less catchy if I said engineering, politics, humanities. By adding in the descriptor I hoped you would catch on that this was implied.

Ultimately all of these are given space in academic institutions for human betterment anyways. Though science is about understanding, it's the understanding of science that causes people to create things to alter the human experience.


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worry about those that can't be selfish enough to pick #3


Adding the description complicates the poll, especially when the description conflicts with definitions of the labels. You aren't conducting a poll of the descriptions but of the label, the descriptions, and of the label and the descriptions. Which category the given data points you receive falls into, will vary from participant to participant too.

Ignoring this I still take issue with the choice of words in the descriptions. It's hard to disentangle each from one another. Knowing 3, gives you insight into, if not tells you, 1 and 2. It's entirely possible that all three options are similar statements.


yeah, but you're also nitpicking and no one cares


Well it matters when you are trying to test a hypothesis about which choice will be more common.


What if I don't want to benefit humanity, create a fair world, or satisfy humans? What if I want to create as much strife and suffering as possible? Are your rankings still the same for that?


Then you'd be a wojack poster(or worse) and I think we all know what happens to those people online and where they end up in reality.


You forgot to add hedonism.


I refuse to vote.


The hedonist is the one that cares about any of these and not devoting their life towards god.

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