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File:fa7a3ca34b09e95cbb95fcda39….jpg (1.84 MB,2685x3477)

Heck yeah!


Tell me what she tastes like and then I will decide.


I'm already salivating. I would at the very least wash her with my tongue every hour or so.


File:79428498_p0.jpg (1.61 MB,1518x1075)

I still need to eat real Flan one day, but it seems like such simple ingredients that even the fancy stuff wouldn't taste that good compared to modern stuff


File:1538592297839.png (1.27 MB,1629x1705)

Isn't flan just a different name for caramel pudding?


She deserves to live!




File:khqbqupdb5g91.jpg (3.44 MB,2508x3541)


they drew purines as purins (puddings) in cells at work 2


File:3c15ff040bfd6bf8cd2d4c7640….gif (1.39 MB,250x350)

hop in dude


File:R-1677473862860.jpg (259.35 KB,1802x2048)

First I'd need to know what flan tastes like. Is it like chicken?


File:e023039b32364bcd9fa6a50a64….png (2.77 KB,384x384)

just ate a flan i bought from grocery
it was in a small glass bottle and caramel was at the bottom for some reason

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