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File:00521-1593693508-1girl, (d….png (1.05 MB,920x920)


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Vote for the shows you wish to keep in the stream. This stuff is never set in concrete, so if enough people hate a show it can be dropped later on or a show voted off can return if it turns out to be amazing.

(I hope I didn't forget a show, this was a pain to make)


File:[SubsPlease] Buddy Daddies….jpg (327.3 KB,1920x1080)

If you were too tired to vote last night, remember to do it soon! You have 4 days to think about things. I don't generally vote unless some tie-breaking is needed to keep stream time down, but it seems like there's a pretty solid pattern forming already.
Goodbye farmer, spy girls, betrayed boy, vinland and revengers (but not revenger)


surprised by saitou being a stealth hit
please vote for revenger though trust urobuchi onegai shimasu


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Yeah, I actually did do afk things when that was on so I guess I need to give it a try, huh. I wasn't sure if people were going to be interested in watching Hikari no Ou, as that type of show isn't always going to be stream material I think.
I don't know how to handle votes for later shows. 5 people were left by the time Kyoukou Suiri aired, yet it got 3 votes. Is that equivalent to at least 5 votes for shows watched by 12 people?
I really like the show and may end up abusing authority again and forcing it in at the very end


going to watch the Trigun adaptation while onimai airs on stream


thank you


don't thank me you moron


why not i appreciate it


I appreciate his appreciation


good anime this season


nice joke


File:[SubsPlease] Kyokou Suiri ….jpg (236.34 KB,1920x1080)

But there were good shows. People shouldn't expect 20 amazing shows catered to their tastes every season


good trips

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