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File:Samurai.I.Musashi.Miyamoto….jpg (240.59 KB,1440x1080)


Would kissu have any interest in streaming live action stuff?


Depends on what it is, of course, but in general yeah. I have thought of streaming some Ultraman or something like that myself.


i wanna watch Marvel


Ehh put me down as a 'maybe'. I'm not really huge on movies, even if they're Japanese


2 Yes, 0 No
I'll take that as a good sign. Was considering streaming Seven Samurai as a nice segway from the norm first. Will stream it this Friday


guess i can vote knowing this


the norm segwayer


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File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (234.45 KB,1920x1080)

it's "segue" FYI
one of the most commonly misspelled words because of that gimmicky wheel thing


it's because it makes even less sense than queue




File:7401c3acead9bd03db7307cfab….png (317.09 KB,900x736)

It's actually segway because that's how it sounds and I am NOT conforming to dumb nonsense english standards


seg gay


could have sworn there were more posts I saw here that were deleted


File:[Alexvgz] Azumanga Daioh 2….jpg (69.15 KB,745x734)

Like I stated in an earlier post, I'll be streaming Seven Samurai today. Considering making the start time 7:00 pm EST. So about 9 hours from now


File:102545983_p0.jpg (2.05 MB,3227x4600)

Well this idea certainly seemed to work out well on the first run of it. Think I'll maybe try another sometime in the future maybe. Anyways, thanks to everyone that showed up and hopefully you all enjoyed the movie!

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