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File:pcm-synthesizers.jpg (88.22 KB,720x720)


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File:Y2Mate.is - Michiel van de….mp4 (10.8 MB,578x360)

The old


File:Y2Mate.is - Chris Christod….mp4 (20.35 MB,640x360)

The new


I replied two, but that doesn't mean that I dislike the old. I think they're both fun.


Not like you can't use older sounds, right?


two isn't necessarily discarding one,
but one discards two
three discards one and two


Wish they woulda taught me this at school.


St1: |1|0|
St2: |?|1|
St3: |0|0|


Yeah, exactly. Never saw that stuff 'till flippin uni


Of these two examples I like the old more. The new one has too much noise or volume variance or whatever it is that makes a song less enjoyable to me


I like the new because I can have them all on my pc and let them play all at the same time without "recording to tape" or "bouncing to hard disk drive" or whatever gramps did. Also how did people even afford synths back then? They must have all been rich!


I just compared the music in these two videos. Was I supposed to do something different?


Depends what you mean by "synths". Tracker programs were basically all shareware, and I'm sure you would've been able to find sample libraries being shared around as well.


The sample pool for tracker software was from many things. Stuff borrowed from other tracker files, recordings of real synths. recording real instruments, short waveforms, stuff sampled from other sources such as music, and sample packs people made. Especially on Amiga the st-xx sample packs that came with the first tracker in name "The Ultimate SoundTracker" were used a ton even if just for one or two sounds. There were a lot of carts on Amiga that let users record their own samples and make then into sound files for use in trackers and on PC sounds cards had inputs so you could use those instead. Future trackers even support alot of these old files plus new file formats so the sample pool is very huge. Samples literally could be anything you wanted to use back then and even now so what really matters is the user. For example of this idea I used this sample of Yuno and Miyako I made (https://files.catbox.moe/7x798b.wav) into a test song for fun two years ago (https://files.catbox.moe/m4b1an.ogg)

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