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File:[SubsPlease] Bocchi the Ro….jpg (356.93 KB,1920x1080)


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It's finally on time! The best time to contest the image of a season is easily during the season itself. So with that being the case, we should decide over the season what the /qa/nime is. The poll will expire a few weeks after the season ends, so take your time deliberating and arguing it out with each other!


If there's something I missed that deserves a spot, just post it in the thread.


shouldn't we wait until the season is over?


Maybe, maybe not. It's not like this poll will finish before the season ends, think of it as a test to see how this'll work.


File:[Isekai-mini] Tensei shita….png (1.1 MB,1920x1080)

Well, if you don't change IPs you could change your choices as the season progresses. But, I like to change my IP now and then so I won't be voting yet


File:[-__-'] Utawarerumono 05 [….jpg (328.2 KB,1920x1080)

That is an issue I didn't consider...


File:[SubsPlease] Bocchi the Ro….jpg (444.59 KB,1920x1080)

Uh... Maybe the season still has some more to it... But I voted.


I'm voting for Bocchi and Fran, they're this season's two true /qa/ girls.


Did the kancolle anime even start yet


That's a good question... Where did the boats go


I checked and it's at 3 of 8 epsides, having halted on the 13th


File:[SubsPlease] Bocchi the Ro….jpg (381.22 KB,1920x1080)

Season's practically over, and the gap between Bocchi and everything else in my opinion just grew...

She can't be stopped

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