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File:1521440164680.jpg (400.6 KB,1433x1073)


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Which quadrant(s) does Kissu fall into?


extreme top left, easiest answer of my life


File:192.jpg (183.63 KB,1280x905)

Top middle, leaning right


File:95449439_p11.jpg (353.04 KB,645x911)

I like both babas and budding lolis, so... middle? I don't know what the x-axis means.


left -> nice
right -> kimo


Pure love on the left, immorality/"piece of meat" on the right. >>2443 basically.


File:c6565830f014b919b8a58ba2e….webp (419.29 KB,2042x2880)

i don't even know anyone on other quadrants


Middle left, so I have to vote middle. But I don't know anyone on the right side.


left -> nice
right -> kino


in the middle of the top half I think. I haven't seen the translated macro in a long while and I can't japanese.


File:1403824807983.jpg (222.68 KB,850x1182)

Top left


File:7cd4411882e19cf32148223a0d….jpg (660.46 KB,1600x900)

Bottom Right


File:05f9f903dc5a77f2cb51aaa54b….png (524.25 KB,1700x1200)


I'm guessing granny here means something like a 30 year-old?



File:73b6d214406d0f9bd150d21d18….jpg (678.44 KB,2508x3541)

Top definitely. Left or right side depends on my mood, but I think l I generally lean more to the left.


yeah if I had to answer spontaneously I'd still say middle top but there's artists I like in every corner

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