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File:[SubsPlease] Spy x Family ….jpg (270.22 KB,1920x1080)


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So many anime to filter through... I think I can safely ignore a whole bunch of these, but post if you think I missed something that deserves to be on here.




File:frog.png (2.03 MB,1920x1080)



peak blob i swear to god cutest shit ever still hnggging


File:[Sandalphon] Summertime Re….jpg (418.14 KB,1920x1080)

Flippin' shadows voting for the wrong anime.


dumb frogposter


smartest frogposter to ever live


File:[SubsPlease] Shachiku-san ….jpg (203.29 KB,1280x720)

Man, this one is hard, too. In general I hate rating different genres against each other to declare one as "best" or even as my favorite. Do I give more points for originality? Do I take into the account how difficult it is to make a serious, engaging story over something simple like cute little girls at a festival in yukatas for the 5000th time?
Instead, I'll simply say the one that I personally enjoyed the most.
Shachiku-san's healing properties was really potent. There are many shows out there with healing properties for the psyche, but this one really hit the mark in its focus. I think I have to vote for this one over the others because it's a level of innocence and cuteness that you don't see done so perfectly very often, much less in a full episode format.
And of course it does get points for featuring the voice of /qa/ as the little catgirl.

Though, I've been meaning to watch that final Kaguya-sama season eventually...


File:[SubsPlease] Kunoichi Tsub….jpg (251.02 KB,1280x720)

Oh, and now I remember that we're supposed to vote for the most /qa/ (kissu) anime of the season and not what we individually enjoyed the most.
Hmm... this is hard.... think I'll just vote for a few and let someone else decide


File:firefox_kw5gC4K5V3.png (38.07 KB,497x875)

Oops, forgot to set an expiration on this, but it was supposed to end today. Going to take this as the final results.


File:[SubsPlease] Kunoichi Tsub….jpg (226.65 KB,1280x720)

Can't disagree with the penis life girls winning. It was a cute show and it DID feature the voice of /qa/ as the masked girl.

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