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File:Illustration.jpg (6.37 MB,4347x1698)


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Which of these classic horse-type animals do you like the best?


the crappybara


The capybara can not be ridden like a horse!


the crappybara


Camels have three eyelids!


File:[SubsPlease] Teppen - 06 (….jpg (144.33 KB,1280x720)

Llamas and camels are both known for being temperamental if not outright jerks while horses are known for being remarkably tame. Plus, alpaca and camels were quite localized in their usage while horses spread throughout the world.
It's not much of a comparison I think


Horse for plains, camel for desert, and alpaca for mountains. Capybara for fun.


What about an ass
heh heh heh


always wanted to ride an ass


alapaca team wooo


the crappybara

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