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File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy M….jpg (229.85 KB,1920x1080)


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File:95448453_p0.jpg (623.88 KB,708x1000)

Patchouli is a fatty


A fatcat?


A fatty fat fat


shes so fat that theres 2 of her


File:1b943dfb35172c58b3d8af069b….jpg (647.27 KB,600x858)

I feel that that image is creating a bias in the poll. We need equal representation


There's only 3 images of furry patchouli on pixiv. I think the results are clear, unfortunately.


File:03f792aea03b93d8be39787b4….jpeg (57.59 KB,500x651)

we need to hire some artists


File:1644192169927.png (1.22 MB,1060x1060)

Before you answer, remember that Patchouli looks like this


Yowza, what a fox!


File:1662578481182.png (266.52 KB,934x1026)


File:Pogostemon_cablin_001.jpg (1.44 MB,2576x1932)

Patchouli (/pəˈtʃuːli/; Pogostemon cablin) is a species of flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae, commonly called the mint or deadnettle family. The plant grows as a bushy perennial herb, with erect stems reaching up to 75 centimetres (2.5 ft) in height and bearing small, pale pink-white flowers.

It is native to the island region of Southeast Asia, including Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Malay Peninsula, New Guinea and the Philippines. It is also found in many parts of North East India. Noted for its fragrant essential oil, it has many commercial uses and is now extensively cultivated in tropical climates around the world, especially in Asia, Madagascar, South America and the Caribbean. Indonesia currently produces over 90% of the global volume of patchouli oil (~1,600 metric tons).


Patchouli looks like that?

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