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File:1482062034826.gif (860.73 KB,470x554)


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I mean ideally I'd be wealthy and NEET


I'm already a poor as hell NEET.
Maybe working from home isnt that bad...


Yeah, but then there wouldn't really be a choice..


Depends on what you mean by poor. A semi-modern computer and internet access along with food and shelter is enough


Easy. I already work, so then I'd get to work from home and be wealthier.


I want to be a work from home freeter who barely does anything, but is slightly above poor. Not to be confused with work from home 9-5.


Wealthy, with a 3days/week remote job


Id rather be dead but alive


That's unrealistic.


I'd rather be NEET and poor than working and poor, so that's an easy choice for me.


Î have no interest in loadsamoney, so I would rather be the NEET.


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Wealthy, but working from home
...then quit working and become neet the next day because i'm already wealthy


That's cheating!!


I work like ten hours a week from home with a stable job I moderately enjoy and earn enough to live on my own. I'm happy where I am.


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I'm a NEET on NEETbux and I'm poor but I'm fine


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I am considered poor, but I can afford most of the things I want, so I don't really feel poor in any way.

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