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File:d4dfd01e096a97238766ebb1e6….jpg (42.54 KB,500x500)


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Can't it be both?


Futa cows are best cows.


File:byebye.png (222.7 KB,260x436)

Sorry i'm so autistic i couldn't resist choosing ochinpo!


File:EWGF7pcUYAYvtsO.jfif (394.87 KB,900x1200)

cows heavy heefers, obviously


Where/how does one save a .jfif file? I'm not sure I've ever seen that before. Is twitter moving to it or is it an option?


File:a695022da22ef51207ae77b408….png (10.25 KB,1038x660)


you're so wacky pink guy!

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