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File:c8d05b7ab02e37912965db1fd2….png (1.42 MB,1280x1213)


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Essays aren't in vogue


File:1421525954665.png (3.03 MB,3672x1616)



File:(clipboard)1630469592464.png (248.89 KB,700x560)

Isn't it kind of crazy how generic poll questions can be used for sentiment analysis. Sure one or two are innoculous, but a large set of data points from simple poll questions could probably quickly determine how a focus group is feeling about certain concepts.


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (149.92 KB,1280x720)

I chose "cool car", because you could have like solar panels and a computer hooked up to it or something. Going fast has limited appeal when I don't want to go anywhere


Only fast cars are cool cars. No matter how bad they look they look good because they're fast.


What are you implying by this...


What's the point in having a fast car when you're limited with speed limits? I'd rather ride slow in a cool car.


What if you have a car so fast even the police can't catch up?


I'd rather go slow to show off my cool car than be a boring blur.


Mays postulate: in the real world, all cars are equally fast.



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