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Archived threads: /poll/

Displaying 4 expired threads from the past 7 days

Post # Snippet  
2604 Uhhhhh, if there's a quick answer it will be this Sunday otherwise next The above are shows that I like from 2006 and 2007. Use the form to give others to add or post them here. https://feedback.kissu.moe/public/forms/Friday_Stream_Options/14 [View]
2553 So, the last thread was a bit confusing for people and the idea wasn't fleshed out well enough. This time I propose an actual poll that will decide if /megu/ is brought back or not. Historical Reference: /megu/ was kissu's first "imagedump board", and a nice place for kissu users to share lewds with each other, at some point vern decided that for reasons to remove it and open /ec/ in its stead. This is how things have been up to now. Where I have noticed that there still seems to be a desir [View]
2575 Ageism [View]
2457 443329c84998a5fc9006cdace22f0669.jpg [View]