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/megu/ - Megumin 2.0

Pitiful creature... Synchronize yourself with the red smoke, and atone in a surge of blood! Burst Forth, EXPLOSION!

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 File:95635446_p0.webm (2.01 MB,428x604)


Humanoid Black Len is fine too!


 File:98341762_p0.webm (526.91 KB,440x572)

But cats?...


 File:106060003_p0.webm (596.83 KB,460x596)

They're okay, I guess...


Hmm, think I recognize this artist. Is this the one that does streaming of the process? It's pretty cool to watch, although I'm never able to see most of it and manage to only catch the end


 File:a4b99d5df4ea93d7235be9fee1….gif (2.97 MB,320x352)

I think you might be thinking of 未来みるく (Hinainf). I'm pretty sure they stream every now and then on the Pixiv streaming thing.

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