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File:miku 2.png (390.27 KB,509x720)


For failing to celebrate Miku's birthday yesterday, you are hereby sentenced to relocation to the East.


File:9adfb7eaf063e3ff939625d9ad….jpg (536.4 KB,1407x2000)

but that image shows 3/9, a day we do celebrate!


File:401e1315bd4e663f7775394303….jpg (71.85 KB,800x630)

Thank you Fuhrer from Persona 2: Innocent Sin!


File:1723115077951781.jpg (71.17 KB,768x1024)

I saved some brazillian miku pics does that count as celebrating?


File:7b09be4924bdb67425757d48b0….mp4 (3.77 MB,720x720)

Celebrating by coming to Brazil!


File:__hatsune_miku_cinnamoroll….jpg (518.61 KB,627x1075)

100,000th Miku image uploaded to danbooru! Pretty crazy

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