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File:R-1725149590564.jpg (191.74 KB,940x1536)


from the geniuses that brought you brazilian miku: nigger megumin


File:[SubsPlease] Kono Subarash….jpg (278.84 KB,1920x1080)

If not for the tan lines I wouldn't even be able to tell she was supposed to be dark. She's got that sunburn shade of red


nikkei megumin (blanca)


File:02dfb55b70c6a6e0aa8f71a67d….jpg (1.31 MB,2226x2021)

True you need a lot more color there to have a true choco megu


File:1502989537551.jpg (93.27 KB,1000x563)

Megumax jajajaja


File:choco.png (411.15 KB,636x900)

none of these except maybe >>80372 are nikkei enough


Megu's Brazilian hips.


File:908455d0a38827768258190f0b….mp4 (1.08 MB,826x482)



WHAT happened to this hag-surrounded cat to make her into such a gamer


Us brazilians are mostly white, we're just tanned from the hot sun


File:[Erai-raws] Nanare Hananar….jpg (145.62 KB,1280x720)

It checks out. Probably a result of the Dutch kicking all the blacks, mexicans, and indians out when they took over.


File:44070274_p2.png (201.55 KB,585x600)

Would you love Reimu even if she was Brazilian?


File:1724877347667327.jpg (191.69 KB,854x1024)

brazuca miku and argie nagatoro cooking up some asado


I had a brazilian friend, swarthier than me. He said that when he lived in a city with less sunlight he was white. I have tried to emulate him, not leaving my house for years, but I am still brown. And still brazilian.


File:[Erai-raws] Nanare Hanana….webm (1.86 MB,852x480)

hue hue hue


i'm surprised they sound stunted in exactly the same way they do when trying to say english lines


File:mari8.jpg (89 KB,272x494)

Uwaa, Porutogarugo jouzu desu ne!

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