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File:remi game.webm (8.63 MB,1278x778)




remi boobie




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remi boobie portrait






File:remi game caught.mp4 (Spoiler Image,2.91 MB,1280x720)

I like these little animations that play when you get caught.


where are you getting these updates from


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There's a free test build of the game on his Fantia. No ero scenes.


Not in the game, but pretty sure he's posted the scenes separately already. I remember seeing some short animations of Remi getting ridden by the rest of the SDM crew a few months ago.



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By ero scene it probably isn't counting the event where you linger around too long in a level and just end up ejaculating by herself. This gives me the image that Takorin Remi needs to be regularly jacked off by Sakuya so it doesn't become a problem in daily life.
But in gameplay terms, trying to find the last key in the library level is a bitch when she's reduced to crawling speed, followed by a length animation and cool down period where you're pretty much helpless. Koakuma's power walk is fucking relentless.


Oh that scene, actually was just looking at the artist's twitter because of this thread and saw this. Got a good feeling about this one once it's out, just hope he doesn't overwork himself...


queen spermer


wonder how mofuringu's game has been progressing...
have to dig out the bookmark


Oh, looks like he paused development back in March. https://mfr.fanbox.cc/posts/8002078
I have to admit that I'm more partial to mofuringu since I love his art and Futaring was the rare h game I've bought, but the Remi boobie one could be good too


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>good feeling
Same, I like the premise of this game much better than Reisen's happy fun bug and tentacle rape cave. It's like FOBS (or that artist who's name I forgot) style of game in a way, though futa isn't my forte. From what I could tell is that if you let it get so bad to the point you're horny walking you cant hide anymore, and after you're done blowing your load on the very expensive carpet you have this period where you're leaving behind a steam/fog cloud which Koakuma is attracted to. In the mansion hall levels there are lamps outside of the doors to off shoot rooms, you can turn those lamps on to mark what rooms you've been in and checked for items; handy since there's a lot of identical looking rooms.

From some testing I did since I cant read most moonrunes yet:
-The blue bottle item reduces your erection by an amount, so use it when you can.
-The red bottle is a huge boost to speed for a long time, but when the effect ends you stop and start cumming on the spot, not worth it since it has no warning when it will end.
-The candy increases your speed and stamina by a shit ton, so it's a good get out of jail free card and lasts a while, no downsides.
-The little gems are detectors where they will turn blue if safe and darken to red if there's someone around (it doesn't detect the faggot screeching eye demons).
-The book just teleports you back to a safe space.
-The silver keys allow you to open locks on doors and door keys instantly without needing to waste time loudly breaking the lock.
-The egg timer attracts and holds their attention, maybe, might be bugged.
-The bat just lays lights at even intervals and leads you to the exit.
-The pocketwatch stops time and freezes everyone except Sakuya who can still move.

Of equipable items:
-The gem is a constant detector gem around you, clear when blue, purple when there's danger nearby, purple with red aura is danger close, and red is you're fucked
-The vampire pendant just makes the QTE for parrying easier by making the bar bigger.
-The green jar covers the scent of your spunk and slows down how quickly you get aroused.

On enemies:
Koakuma is very persistent, she can pop up anywhere in the library as an emerging black shadow. You have a brief window to run past her while she's emerging. Other than that, she just chases you and is stopped by the coffin ability which she will break down if in the way. It's like that joke of scooby doo where you're running in and out of doors in a hallway, that's what running from Koak is like.
Patche isn't too difficult. She's easy to lose but her gimmick is about summoning stones to block your path which you need to break. Fortunately she's slow and retarded, often placing them too late and behind you. Both her stone and your coffin slows her down but doesn't full stop her. If being chased by both Patche and Koakuma, Patche's stone can also stop Koakuma, so it gives you a chance to get away.
Sakuya is a faggot. Like Koakuma she can pop up anywhere, but she's extremely aggressive with her time stop and will teleport in front of you a lot which can leave you in a loop of running back and forth. A huge pain in the ass in tandem with Meiling. She will also teleport in and out and just stand in hallways very elegantly. She also has a cute interaction with the coffin where if you slap it in her path she'll stop and cross her arms with a disappointed look on her face. She wont attack the coffin and instead will teleport around it like a faggot. And she calls a body double.
Meiling is very loud and can be heard a mile away. She's very simple in that she runs really, really fast. She can smash your coffin near instantly, and that's about it.
The Flan is very dangerous. You must work hard to not be caught by the Flan. She is very fast, loud like windchimes, and has an ability to fly across the screen which you CANNOT OUT RUN OR DODGE.


wait, so then how do you escape sakuya? it sounds impossible


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Basically just luck of the AI as sometimes she'll give up the chase, she's not as persistent as the others. In the mansion levels there are those aforementioned doors, many of them have closets you can hide in to lose her. Just don't be a retard and hide in them when she can see you, she'll open them and start sucking you off.
Also there's a custom difficulty option in the level select screen where you can add up to five of each 2hu. Not recommended if you want to actually beat the level.

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