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Where's the medicine to cure annoyances wrought upon you by the presence of other people?


we have always been at war with chromatic aberration


PICTURED: recently apprehended zainichi korean spammer torturing an innocent nihonjin inbetween posting jirai-kei pics on sns


you can spend time with people that suit you better


File:6175d8fd06c097d6a928bf01a5….png (4.6 MB,3000x2000)

Alcohol and anonymous posting works for me.


File:14 - Otorimonogatari [D228….jpg (183.47 KB,1920x1080)

That only works for so long....


life is fleeting, enjoy the moment


File:stupid but not as stupid a….jpg (69.18 KB,640x480)

Sometimes I imagine the sound of a person getting slapped after I read/see something annoyingly stupid.

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