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File:[Kyo]_Nanaka_6-17_01_[8DDE….jpg (163.47 KB,704x528)


Is this a wide ("potato") image?


File:[Kyo]_Nanaka_6-17_01_[8DDE….jpg (76.13 KB,704x528)

She does bear a very strong resemblance to Sae here, but looking at the context I have to say no to the wide part. Definitely a 'tater, although only momentarily.


File:[DeerStalker] Shikanoko No….jpg (247.32 KB,1920x1080)

Actually that reminds me... what about the shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan girls from shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan during their chibi moments?


File:121913945_p0.jpg (290.61 KB,1024x768)

That's just chibi, nothing specific about it. Rather square, even, very squatty.


File:tegaki-1724895867705.png (6.01 KB,380x380)

i like this face shape


File:1714133305224188.jpg (54.22 KB,482x666)


File:shot-07.png (802.1 KB,1280x720)

are potato brats potatoes?

i remember several years go i was the only seeder of that release for a while


me personally, I'm a "every part of the body" guy

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