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File:998d0e485fcd891d734be5c586….jpg (250.41 KB,1600x1200)



That jaypee article reads like it was written by the company wwwww


Yeah it does. Wikipedia wants to hold all sorts of information, but this really doesn't seem relevant to people that want to learn things. I guess that's business stuff in general, though.


File:C-1724734234785.png (44.28 KB,785x134)

what's up with the indian subcontinent the qajp vid is bangladeshi from the looks of its poster's name
they actually have explicit rules against that kind of stuff
>Thus, putting your résumé on Wikipedia invites people to mercilessly add and remove important stuff from your CV. And nothing looks worse than "[citation needed]" lying next to awards you've received.
this one is hilarious because it's true
but in any case as it happens with so many of these disclaimers and obvious problems no one's gonna try to wrestle it into decency if nobody gives a fuck to begin with


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

>no one's gonna try to wrestle it into decency if nobody gives a fuck to begin with
Yeah, I can't imagine many people caring about the wikipedia page for random companies around the world. There are far more important edit wars to be had, although it's a bit surprising to me that this stuff can exist with so many people obsessively combing over it for the sake of edit wars and such.


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