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This looks interesting, the idea of an anime Lord of the Rings is cool.

Though whether it's actually anime is debatable. It's animated by a Japanese studio and directed by Kamiyama Kenji but it's written and produced by westerners and made for a western company.

There is an English trailer too of course but I like this one more.


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40+ years late what's the point. Modern anime looks cheap and trashy and lotr end up as silly isekai. Isekai is already killing it. Don't turn middle earth into anti anime weapon


File:sar1.png (712.5 KB,758x798)

Gandalf the white?


File:sar2.png (541.64 KB,1028x799)

Gandalf the aho!


It's Saruman. This is set before LOTR so Saruman was still head of the Wizards and if Gandalf was in it he would be Gandalf the Grey.



Ohh, I was the aho...


saruman got horrorous hemmorhoids


So this really is the new mainstream strategy for recovering from colossal franchise mismanagement, huh?


No, this is being made by different people than Rings of Power.
The situation regarding franchise rights is weird, Amazon has the rights to make a Lord of the Rings TV show but not the rights to make a movie. The Rights to make a Lord of the Rings Movie are held by Newline Cinema. This is also the reason that the art style of this project is much closer to that of the NewLine cinema Lord of the Rings Movie trilogy than the art style of Rings of Power is.


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Dorama could be a nice idea, and no, rings of power was nice, better anyway than that nz movies


^ this is bait


West anime reminds me of fighting game or video game anime. Marred with lack of good directors.
Is this one from rezero author as well?


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I try not to be a negative person, but I don't have anything positive to say about this.

LotR as a "franchise" like Star Wars is ugly. There's not a set world but instead one which will twist and change for each new company that pays the fee. The LotR multiverse!
As for this particular one, unfortunately I think it looks mediocre. The CGI is ugly and choppy and looks hindered by the move from live action instead of gifted by the new options it should bring to the table. They did a better job of masking its Westernness, but the very fact that this is a known strategy shows you the amount of deserved distrust and disgust people have towards Western studios. They put the Japanese director's name front and center because a Western name would immediately turn people away, and yes the promotional material in English makes sure to call it "anime". It's like "Chocolate Flavored Syrup" that contains no actual cocoa in it. The Japanese studio that's part of the equation here seems exclusively built for this kind of thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sola_Digital_Arts
Maybe the music will be good.


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I am mostly indifferent to it; my only gripe with it so far is that it looks way too cheap for a movie. You'd think that WB would throw a ton of cash at this project and make it visually look good since it's a zillion dollar franchise.


I haven't watched western anime before. But from what I have seen of the staff behind them often they seem to be mostly driven by westerners which I think would be the issue. It doesn't matter how good the studio behind it is or how good the direct is if the writers and producers are all terrible. So who knows how this will turn out, but I think it will be okay at least.

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