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File:[EMBER] Heavenly Delusion ….jpg (240.77 KB,1920x1080)


I've been watching a Pokemon speedrunner on the side of the screen as I do stuff and for the past 3 hours I'm not sure if he's ever made it further than 10 minutes into the game until now. He seems to reset a lot when he's a minute into it, but I haven't paid enough attention to know why. Being an RPG It's full of random stuff outside of your control, and I don't know how people can subject themselves to this kind of punishment.
I like seeing the completed runs or the stuff at events, but man... fighting against RNG for hours at a time every day for weeks or months... I don't know how they do it.


I looked away and he reset somewhere in the 22 minute mark.




File:[ASW]_Shikanoko_Nokonoko_K….jpg (317.02 KB,1920x1080)

I'm glad to be reminded that F5ing the same few websites everyday isn't the worst thing in the world to do.


I imagine a speedrun likely revolves around an overleveled starter and, depending on the generation, getting the right nature and IVs is important for minmaxing them. There's probably some optimization based on what moves get used in early battles too, plus rng with wilds appearing before you can buy repels.


The RNG for pokemon has to be the worst RNG to try to game, on the grass every step you take you're on the mercy of the RNG gods...


I greatly enjoyed the commentary on Wavewarrior's Sapphire WR
Some runners don't know how to explain themselves as well as he does so that a layperson can really appreciate the small details.


File:[SubsPlease] Atri - My Dea….jpg (255.61 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm thanks, this seems like a great thing to watch. This is definitely something far more entertaining to watch, but I also enjoy watching people learn stuff or just do the live speedrun stuff when they accept mistakes and still aim at fast times.
When watching various 'history of __ speedrun" stuff there's a surprising amount of mistakes in world record stuff that leans itself towards such streams. Remarks like "he lost 20 seconds in World 2, but kept going because he knew the world record lost 30 seconds in world 6" and so on.

Oh, and I learned the reason the guy in OP kept resetting: the random Pokemon stats. It was Red/Blue so it didn't have a personality thing yet. Competitive dice rolling.


File:77173892_p0.png (410.43 KB,1000x1254)

I don't really like RPG speedruns; stuff like Half-Life I find much more interesting, there is very little RNG and it depends solely on knowing the movement mechanics and executing them flawlessly.

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