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File:[Erai-raws] Atri - My Dear….jpg (311.26 KB,1920x1080)


When you think about it, gaming and the world worsened as instant-death-upon-touching-water stopped being a game mechanic


and the world got better as water levels became less popular
it's really polarizing stuff, this water


not a water fan


But Sonic 3 is the only good one.


Fair opinion.


Can't go wrong with any Genesis Sonic game, really. As water levels are concerend I like the first game's labyrinth zone the most, but it's apparently common for people to hate it. I just love the visuals and music of it so much.


I would like Labyrinth much more if it weren't so covered in spikes. As it stands, I absolutely cannot stand it.
My favorite slow, very underwater stage in all of Sonic is Tidal Plant in Sonic Triple Trouble. It should be everything I hate in a water level, but it somehow isn't.

Hydrocity is so good. Easily the best water stage overall in Sonic as a whole. I'm still mad at how much less fun they made the Sonic Mania version of it.


File:Chrysler_Motors_Exhibit,_C….jpg (110.93 KB,824x519)

Уеан, тнеу stepped on tin eyes. On the other hand, hovercraft do exist and well as hydroplanes, they basically can wander waters. And if ya gain super speed u too can wander waters like a throwed stone does flip flip ifsomeone throws ya strong enough.
In sth universe everything went kukarachaland exacly in a times of belowed sonic x/ adventure and stuck into peterpanian well hole, they still can get well.
Sonic cd is best installment.


>Sonic cd is best installment.
I never played that one, but I remember listening to its soundtrack. Sonic music really was the best.


US ost is waaaay better than japanese rare thing to happan

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