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Anyone playing the monkey game?


Can't say I am. I'm interested to hear about it or see clips, though. I still need to do the Elden Ring DLC one of these days...


It kinda looks fun from what little I've seen of it. It's been compared to souls in most of its marketing, but I think the people saying that are misguided. Too mind poisoned by Souls to see it for what it really is, a more traditional hack n slash game more akin to God of War or DMC than anything Souls.


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (177.27 KB,1920x1080)

>God of War or DMC
That could be good. I haven't played a good action-y game in a while, but I'm a bit distrustful of AAA games these days.
I'd like to play a good 'tank controls' game like Godhand again someday

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