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File:nono (4).jpg (491.87 KB,1161x865)


The norms told me I can't be a gamer, that the only way a hobby is worthwhile is if you can monetize it. Utilizing my agility and pure /jp/ grip strength I backflip-decapitated them one by one before putting on display a message for all foolish norms who dare question my power. They haven't dared trek through the piss bottle forest to accost me since.


Being a gamer is the norm these days. I would find it much more unusual to come across a man under 40 who did not play games that to come across one who does. Gamers are 'norms'.


Yeah even I'm a gamer too. I play Diablo Immortal almost 15 minutes a day!


norms that play lol or SPORTS GAME 20XX and nothing else are not gamers THEY ARE NOT!!!


I used to be a gamer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee... life is tough.


I game. I game in Cookie Clicker...


click those cooks


autoclicking cookies and having it idle for hours at a time...
Should be playing that banana NFT game and selling stuff on the market but alas, cookie clicker is the life for me


Honestly with this comparison the Banana game is better because at least the scam market adds an additional layer of gameplay to it.


but I don't want to interact with the scam market


filtered by the high skill floor


dumb filtard


File:Jujutsu Kaisen v17 (2022) ….jpg (1.26 MB,1500x2250)

The norms took away my games, I took away their lives.........

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