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File:1445278996014.png (242.78 KB,368x438)



I feel sorry for doing this, but...


Hold on that was real back then?


I thought the game always existed?


File:C-1724255006280.png (99.55 KB,702x706)

Nope, just came out in 2023.


Did South Park predict this or was there another version of Hello Kitty Island Adventure?


>Critics and fans noted that the game shares its name with a fictional one that Butters from South Park mentions playing as part of a gag in the 2006 episode "Make Love, Not Warcraft", which became an Internet meme used as shorthand to refer to a casual game. Sanrio later used the meme in practical jokes.[2] However, the game was stated to not be associated with or a tie-in to South Park.[3]
According to wikipedia


That's great for many reasons. I could have sworn there was a game called this, at least that's what people said back in the day, but I guess it was an internet myth.
Looks like Animal Crossing, and if anyone has the brand power to take on Nintendo here Sanrio is it. The environments look nice, but Animal Crossing never clicked me.


File:girls-mmo-games-hello-kitt….jpg (148.62 KB,1024x768)

I don't think it was entirely an internet myth, but another game was interestingly enough released later than the episode.
The episode was the most popular episode they ever released so I wouldn't be surprised if people watched it after Hello Kity Online came out in 2008. Hello Kitty Island Adventure kind of sounds like Hello Kitty Online Adventure when he says it. Easily mixed up. Back then it wasn't uncommon for people to watch South Park on the TV after school, including reruns.
I'm assuming they named it after the reference because it's a genuinely good name and it's free bonus marketing.


oh thanks dude


the thanker

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