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Crazy how careful and precise some people are with their painting skills. I'd probably fuck it up and have it looking like a child's crayon drawing.


steady hands? not possible


File:[Commie] Sayonara Zetsubou….jpg (586.86 KB,1280x720)

That's precisely why I don't buy garage kits. I would ruin what would otherwise be a beautiful piece of SHAB art.


File:[mottoj] Tsukuyomi Moon Ph….jpg (160.05 KB,1024x576)

Eventually when I've a lot more free time and have accomplished every other minor/major learning task I want to, I want to take up arts and crafts. Just being able to relax in my garage and paint shab figures without a care in the world seems like the life.


I've never been able to keep my hands/arm still to a precise degree, and I'm sure it only gets worse with age.
At least it makes sense for this kind of figurine to cost a decent amount of money, although this one isn't that interesting. It needs more color and style if you ask me.


build a shab


I'm confident I'd fuck up the spray painting too.

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