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File:witch activity.jpg (314.64 KB,800x600)


Have you voted for your favourite 2hu yet?


File:49392840_p0.png (250.97 KB,600x600)

Yeah, I did my part.


File:1678298326404.png (1.5 MB,1760x2604)

I feel like I'm disqualified because I haven't paid attention to any 2hus newer than 7 years or so...


actually it's probably more like 10 now


I am disqualified due to being a secondary...


File:__hakurei_reimu_touhou_dra….png (388.64 KB,920x1080)


File:C-1724524322853.png (40.79 KB,461x158)

scarlet supremacy forever


File:d0a7be107fcb40275c63864691….jpg (1.01 MB,914x1280)

Main character POWAH


File:1699403924288632.jpg (9.38 KB,140x150)

Ran dropped five places


File:[komeiji koishi] 7f8500ef0….jpg (398.25 KB,1042x1473)

Koishi in 4th? Huh. How?


File:2024 underage popularity.png (2.8 MB,1714x1901)

The kosh is surprisingly popular with the yoofs.


it's the edge
it has to be the edge


File:koishi puts satori in her….webm (1.92 MB,640x480)

equal parts edge, head empty, and cute autism relatability
and she's CUTE!


dare i say... gap moe


File:[yakumo yukari] 57f54336a0….jpg (1.5 MB,1150x1750)

but there's already the moe-est of gaps


File:1720334550001.png (70.42 KB,749x1000)

moe moe.... gap~


File:yukari3.png (3.12 MB,1820x2048)

One can draw a roughly direct correlation between hags and higher ages of voters.


File:119912659_p0.jpg (1.55 MB,1310x2197)

The exception being Eirin, most likely due to her "new" song exposing her to younger fans.


underaged people have shit tasted confirmed

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