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File:debu.jpg (43.76 KB,606x336)


sie eat


File:R-1723881937323.png (1.24 MB,1152x896)



finally a love live we can all enjoy


File:834591d57eaf4d4b137f489cb5….jpg (466.87 KB,2048x1604)

1TB of pussy and ass!


Hatsune Meat


File:1634937087814.gif (530.71 KB,200x200)



where's the big fat futa cock


File:__original_drawn_by_nenene….jpg (2.58 MB,2965x4617)

Is /jp/ a fat board?


File:1650240020001.jpg (131.09 KB,571x800)



File:1723333043438492.jpg (905.07 KB,848x1200)


was she always that fat


they didn't call her the nozohog for nothing


knead that dough


File:1510940328547.jpg (904.31 KB,1920x1080)


Is it time to admit /jp/ has a fetish for fat women?


Heh, Easter eggs


File:__original_drawn_by_nenene….jpg (4.48 MB,3544x5081)

Just because one anon has a fetish for fat women doesn't make the entire board


File:[Erai-raws] Shuumatsu Trai….jpg (189.36 KB,1920x1080)

chubb is good.
fatty fat is bad.


it's more than one anon


File:86361288_p0.jpg (1.4 MB,2067x1447)

There are different degrees. Some people just like cute bellies or find them funny, while others find it attractive... within limits. You can generally rely on Japanese artists to keep it reasonable since they're already way outside of the acceptable norm with someone like Koruri


File:R-1724017007326.png (1.43 MB,1080x1583)

this is one of those artworks where the head is so untouched by fat and so smaller than everything else that it looks like it came from a different body
also me


File:1724119083291.jpeg (2.53 MB,2622x3971)

i just reinterpreted your thin girl as a chub shab

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