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File:1697499151396.jpg (856.31 KB,1127x1600)


Friendly reminder that it's NOT NTR if there is no prior relationship.
In that case it's called BSS,「僕が先に好きだったのに」"but I liked her first."




File:[Erai-raws] Megami no Cafe….jpg (168.58 KB,1920x1080)

I don't think I like this thread...


this would be a great /secret/ thread


ay boss need something done i'm your man


Total NTR Death.


Actually, it might be more correct to say "she liked me first." The more literal meaning would be "I was likeable before," and it puts emphasis on speaker's failure to reciprocate before their potential partner moves on.


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File:[SubsPlease] Senpai wa Oto….jpg (255.64 KB,1920x1080)


Kimoi and kuso, do not reply to me kimo FREAK.


File:[SubsPlease] Atri - My Dea….jpg (273.08 KB,1920x1080)

When you think NTR is the worst thing that could happen...




File:[SubsPlease] Kono Sekai wa….jpg (185.81 KB,1920x1080)


goo[s |][/s]ner


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (193.09 KB,1920x1080)

stop evading 'kuso oo word' filter


the ooer


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zoon nanoda




File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (440.77 KB,1920x1080)



oo'ing this one WOULD trigger the filter sadly

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