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File:7080434829826f2e836e0684e6….png (503.38 KB,600x799)


For some reason I saw that NatGeo was having their annual shark week and decided to watch a bit of it because sharks are the coolest lifeform out there. It made me think while I was watching about how if there's one thing I don't appreciate about Japan its their massive overfishing problem, especially finning. It just feels so wasteful for us to drive populations of species closer and closer towards extinction without at least trying to make an effort towards allowing them to grow out their numbers so it's possible to sustain fishing them for generations to come. Not blow our load now and then in the future be shit out of luck because we got rid of all animals we were eating/making goods out of.

Anyways, aside from that little bit of irking I was enamored by all the various different shark videos and they really cemented themselves as one of my favorite animals. Can't go backwards, just straight, but if you were to try and take advantage of that to try and outswim one you'd be sharkfood faster than your clever brain would be able to process getting chunked. These guys can swim over 20mph (Olympic swimmers can only hit around 5) so any disadvantage they have with maneuverability is easily made up for through turning around charging you extremely fast for a proper chomp if they were going for you. In a way it's what scares me about some of the better beach spots in the world since a whole lot of them have a good bit of sharks inside of them, Australia and South Africa in particular being quite populous. And the strategy of punching them in the face doesn't really seem like the best deterrent either unless you hit them in the eyes, but from what I've seen they actually have their eyes retreat into their sockets when feasting so it's not as easy as people would have you think.

Also what's /qa/'s favorite shark? Mine's the great white because it's just so utterly massive and emblematic of what you think of when people say 'Shark', huge teeth and way more aggressive than most of its genetic siblings. The colors on it and the more rugged look too earn it numerous cool points. If we were living some several million years ago though, I'd probably say Megaladon since it's basically a dinosaur shark which is the most epic you can get. Need some way to bring them back or resurrect them Jurassic Park style....


>their eyes retreat into their sockets when feasting so it's not as easy
But it is still possible.


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>what you think of when people say 'Shark'
Uhh, that's the hammerhead.


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i'm on the opposite end of things i like sharks that look or behave differently from the mainstream big bad ones so i prefer stuff like the hammerhead shark (look at this tard) or filter-feeding ones
and moments like the one with the gal in chainmail petting the school around her or the tiger trying to attack a diver and getting deflected then rotated and mega confused
i do like the shape of their eggs, i've picked them up in the beach (the ones that look like an H, those spiral ones are pretty cool too) back when i was a wee lad searching for fossils in the sand and came across a corpse once maybe a meter long or a bit less

anyways sharks get bodied and poked to death by SUPERIOR MAMMALIAN DOLPHINS just for fun with their pack tactics and greater mobility and speed

beat me to it


I think just think their neat


It's kinda incredible how those people just playfully fiddle around with tiger sharks while they're going at them. You'd think it'd be a much more risky and dangerous situation, but the way they present it seems like something super easy and relaxed.


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Mm, I don't have much of an opinion on sharks. They're pretty cool, I guess, but I was just never into them. My brother liked them and had a big stuffed animal shark like this fish here in the Akebi screenshot.
I can't really remember any of them spart from hammerhead or great white, but I like the ones that looks really old and primitive. I'll have to go look it up now...


saw sharks in an aquarium as a kid pretty often
sharks are cool


The Bluntnose Sixgill? That one's been around supposedly longer than most dinosaurs.


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Yeah, I guess so? This 'Greenland shark' that google kept giving me seems kind of ancient, too. Unfortunately the google kept giving me lame trivia results like "the world's oldest living shark" which is a member of this species so I can't really search around...


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damn this one has some suprisingly big eyes
i'm seeing the 200 million year claim (which would indeed make it older than the dinosaurs) in several sites, but none of them have any sources for it, i only managed to find this one which dates it to the miocene (only 23Ma max, nearly 1/10 of the time):
neat that it's viviparous i didn't know sharks could do that


>what's /qa/'s favorite shark?
fuck sharks my favorite is the orca, otherwise known as the killer whale


also here's an idle game


File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (62.84 KB,1280x720)

How can you not love this goofy lookin' motherfucker?

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