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File:GS7T0xfbIAAvFs1.jpg (414.95 KB,2014x2148)


What is it with these DEX fags.....


File:[SubsPlus ] Plus-Sized Elf….jpg (275.43 KB,1920x1080)

/jp/ is a DEF board


twink x shota


grrr... dodgy DEX brats... try to stealth kill a tank... need STR correction...


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Put them in their place for ever THINKING of leveling DEX.


is this a doujin pairing now?


File:[Erai-raws] Nige Jouzu no ….jpg (203 KB,1920x1080)

this anime is turning me into a shotacon


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You mean you wouldn't grab him by his exposed ribs, hurl him directly onto the bed, and proceed to destroy his sphincter as you pull on his elaborate hair handles? You wouldn't plink his miniscule ween then forcefully pull back the skin to grasp its mild hardness in your hand and crush it as he moans, immediately making him climax from the thrill of being caught? You really wouldn't do that?


File:[Erai-raws] Nige Jouzu no ….jpg (190.77 KB,1920x1080)

Ancient Greeks, kamakura Japan..
maybe these pederasts were onto something...
I want a cute eromenos


there is nothing wrong with sodomizing a cute boy in the ass, it's a proud tradition.


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if only
this was like way up to edo


japan needs to retvrn to tradition


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I've heard that bikinis scale well with DEX.


Where the fuck is their cocks.


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I'm assuming the artist didn't draw the rest. Quite frustrating, I know.


right looks like a girl wtf


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I like the full panel better.


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I wanna pamper this SHAB (shouta, hot and beautiful)


File:The Elusive Samurai - c004….png (1018.85 KB,1500x2250)

the buffed top girl's boobers and right's brows but severely nerfed leftie's h factor make of that what you will
also shota has a short vowel ALTHOUGH the original name it refers is long but still it's just shota for the general term


i keep mixing the spelling pf shoujo and shota up


It's not gay if it's a cute boy, it's gay for the boy though.


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Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!


File:dokomi 2.png (572.93 KB,402x939)

why are boys the best girls?
truly a mystery

also pleasantly reminded that the mascot for the dokomi was this cute shota


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>Maxi is a fun-loving bubbly man
But I like androgynous ("girly") boys, not men...


His hobbies are crossdressing....
And he is mistaken for being younger. Is there something like lolibaba for shota? All the world wonders.


File:[Erai-raws] Dungeon Meshi ….jpg (89.76 KB,961x799)



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“Because there is female love, the
foolish human race continues to wither. Would that the love of boys became the common form of love in the world, and that women would die out and Japan become an Isle of Men. Quarrels between husband and wife would cease, jealousy disappear, and the world enter at last into an era of peace.”


“When he appeared before the lord, his lordship was smitten immediately with the boy's unadorned beauty, like a first glimpse of the moon rising above a distant mountain. The boy's hair gleamed like the feathers of a raven perched silently on a tree, and his eyes were lovely as lotus flowers. One by one his other qualities became apparent, from his nightingale voice to his gentle disposition, as obedient and true as a plum blossom.”

- The Great Mirror of Male Love, c. 1687


Why the FUCK is Bocchi in this list of faggots?


Bocchi the Cock


But Bocchi has tits, and is a woman, and can have kids.


the raven-haired maiden (♂︎)......
so can mahiro
anyways it's one of those for selecting all that apply, bocchi is a dud


File:bocchipo.jpg (151.07 KB,1280x1810)

You're ignoring the many Bocchi dickgirl doujins. Somehow Bocchi having a dick feels natural, it almost goes with her personality.


>You're ignoring the many Bocchi dickgirl doujins
Bam, non-factor, doesn't matter in the conversation.
>Somehow Bocchi having a dick feels natural
that's kimoi though.


>that's kimoi though.
Bocchi ought to have a slightly phimotic, large cock.


bocchi having a futa ween allows her to first be poked fun at for being so strange but then also to lash out like any rabid futa would in contrast to her normal personality and that's why it works perfectly


and smelly cock suits an almost-hikki like bocchi


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Cute boys sure fetch a high price...


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Selling royalty as s*x slaves


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It is said that in the last days of the 19th century, as Japan was beginning to take on a Levitical distaste for sodomy from the developments of rangaku while the Edo period came to a close for good, the rising men of industry and commerce that would build the country's great zaibatsu found themselves in a state of panic. The vibrancy of the floating world was to be replaced by the new order of Meiji, not yet martial like the later Shōwa, and for nine years homosexuality was explicitly banned. Even after being decriminalized, they could see the writing on the wall.

One young noble from the Kamakura era was reportedly estimated to be worth four kanmon, but for various reasons the transaction never materialized, nonetheless this served as a benchmark for later enslaved youths, a golden standard. Smooth skin, supple limbs, silken hair, and finesse in all kinds of movements, these were ideal for the wakashū and chigo alike. But the systems that had produced these qualities were crumbling, time was running out, and so the growing nouveau riche conspired to assemble a crew of gaijin (no longer kept away by sakoku) who could bring them what they sought.

Among the resulting forces were a Hong Kongese half-Briton, a Māori, a Belgian (as one should expect), a former Mongolian herder, two ethnic Russians from Vladivostok, and a Tlaxcaltec whose family settled in Manila as émigrés from the Mexican War of Independence. In an inversion of the wokou of yore, the sailors (riding aboard "the Rapacious") used the merchants' funding to pursue leads on exemplary specimens of beautiful male youth, and were recorded making stops as near as Tianjin and as far as Yangon (but never Korea), particularly focusing on the coasts of Indochina. It is not known how many were sold, or their ultimate fate, but from the scant evidence of their dealings we can say for certain that the bounty was great.


He's even stripping Tokiyuki in his mind...


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I've been doing the same


Is the manga worth reading/show worth watching or is this just a faggot thread about cute boys


It's a historical Shonen Jump battle manga, it's not Heike Monogatari, and the adaptation looks insanely better than its source. That's what I can tell you.


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This one's gonna be very popular...


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I can't believe Japanese boys are into shota now!


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something something jujutsu fujos something something inverted mahou shoujo demographics yes i know pic is from chenso


A series made for boys focusing on boys attracts girls. A series made for girls focusing on girls attracts boys


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